An extremely rare and unusual Celtic stater
Los 38
LOWER DANUBE OR GALATIA (?). Uncertain tribe, early to mid 3rd century BC. Stater (Gold, 20 mm, 6.77 g, 10 h), imitating an issue of Alexander III from Amphipolis. Head of Athena to right, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with a griffin. Rev. AΛEΞANΔ[ΡOΥ] Nike standing front, head to left, with her wings spread, holding laurel wreath in her right hand and stylis in her left; to outer left, trident head downward. Cf. Price 172 (for prototype from Amphipolis). Extremely rare and unusual. Light marks and flan fault on the reverse, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Exactly where this interesting stater was struck is unclear. It was likely struck by Celtic groups in Thrace or Asia Minor, but whether it was minted by migrating warrior bands in the 280s to 260s or somewhat later by the settled down Tektosages, Trokmoi and Tolistobogoi is difficult to say. In any case, it hardly dates any later than the mid 3rd century.
750 CHF
1800 CHF
Anzahl Gebote:
Ablaufzeit: 11-Mar-23, 12:18:30 CET
Auf den Zuschlagspreis ist ein Aufgeld von 18,5% zu entrichten.

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